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Field Walk


Weekend Getaway




"....where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
2 Corinthians 3:17

Join Us!


May 4 - 6, 2018

Come to the piney woods of south Arkansas and get a heavenly dose of Gospel-centered truth that will inspired you to step out on faith and into the deep waters of God's vision for your life. Come prepared to get away from the noise of the culture and to be both challenged and encouraged to stand firm in the liberty that sets us free from

sin's bondage and oppression.

Join us for a beautiful weekend

at Psalms Camp.





This weekend has blessed me so much! Everything said was what I have needed to hear. Thank you to all the speakers. God really moved this weekend!


$55/ per person
until April 28, 2018


  free FROM SIN
Moving From Darkness to Light

In today's rapidly declining culture, the Church has embraced the belief that light and darkness can walk together. As a result, the world has lost its understanding of God's great salvation. In this opening session, we will take the Bible in hand and study the depth of our sin, the power of the cross, and the freedom and victory we are given through surrender to Christ.  

  free TO TRUST

Living Loved in the Midst of Uncertainty


All throughout Scripture there are stories of people who, while devoted to God, endured much hardship and pain. Often, we want the Savior without the cross, but in this session we will learn about the sustaining power of God's presence in the middle of uncertainty and loss. You will be encouraged as we study who God is and just what He is able to do when we choose to trust Him.


Tools to Combat the Tricks of the Enemy

The enemy of our souls takes delight in God's children being entangled and ensnared by fear and darkness. Being the father of lies, his very nature is to come against humanity with deception. In this session, we will uncover what we call, "the whisper lies" of the devil that take us captive and paralyze us with fear, and then we will study how to fight the spirit of this world with the Spirit of Truth. 

What the Devil Doesn't Want You to Know

Guilt and shame are some of the oldest tricks in our enemy's handbook, beginning in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ran and hid from God. Too often, we do the same and try to cover our own sin with man-made efforts instead of letting the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us from the inside out. In this life-giving session, we will focus on the words of Jesus when He cried out "It is finished" - a phrase that has the power to set us free from all that keeps us from experiencing His intimate fellowship and His powerful grace. 




Knowing Who Breaks Every Chain

What do we truly rely on? What do we turn to in order to cope with life's disappointments? What do we grab to ease our pain? What if we could be free from every man-made remedy and live in complete freedom and joy? Many times we justify the very chains that keep us imprisoned, believing that they are what we need to have. In this convicting session, we will get candid and honest as we allow the Lord to reveal things in our lives that appear to be helpful, but can easily take us captive and put us in bondage. 



  free TO LOVE
Filled, Overflowing, and Poured Out

We are taught in 1 Corinthians 13, that love never fails and without it, everything is useless. What's so powerful about love? If you are hungering for a deeper understanding of God's unfathomable love toward us, this session is for you. We will get a glimpse of the matchless love of God that has the ability to set us free from bitterness, selfishness, and unforgiveness, and then we will learn how to live a life of poured-out love towards others. 



    free TO SHOUT

Breaking the Silence and Exalting Our God

When the enemy attacks and sin infiltrates our world, it is common to spend the rest of our life hiding in the darkness. We forget that through Jesus Christ, we are no longer slaves to fear, nor are we victims. We are daughters of the Almighty God - redeemed and set free from sin and shame. In this final session, we will hear the powerful testimony of God's healing hand. You will be encouraged to come out of the shadows, to break your silence, and to praise the God who makes all things new.




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