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Hi, I'm Kristen, a thirty-something wife to Lee, momma to three crazy kiddos, writer, independent author, coffee drinker, and redeemed sinner. Welcome to my little space on the world wide web, where my goal is to share what God is teaching me in the mundane work of folding laundry, preparing meals, loving my husband, counseling my growing kids, or driving to the office. I write about theology, suffering and loss, the messy parts of parenting, and how God delights in redeeming broken things. My prayer is that this tiny spot and my scattered scribblings will be used by God to encourage you to pursue Jesus with all your heart - in every season and in every circumstance.  ♥


One of my favorite portions of scripture is Psalm 145. This chapter highlights so many attributes of God that I cling to in times of trouble, such as, "the Lord is righteous in all His ways," "the Lord is good to all," "the Lord sustains all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down." Psalm 145 is a reminder for me to meditate on the "wonderful works" of God and "declare His mighty acts" to the world.


A breezy spring day. Baby animals. A gentle rain. Music. A strong hug. Fresh flowers. The smell of a book store. A lit candle. Gel pens. Newly washed sheets. Twinkle lights. Reading a book by the fire. Autumn leaves. The first sip of coffee. Soft blankets. The sound of laughter. Snow on the ground. The taste of warm chocolate. Mountains.


Medium roast, brown sugar espresso with coconut whip and a dash of cinnamon.


I typically wake up at 5:30 each morning. I spend some time getting ready for the day so I can wake up and be present when I open my Bible. My time with the Lord usually begins in my car on my way to work where I listen to a chapter of God's Word followed by worship music. In the afternoon or evening, I pull out my journal and whatever study tools I am using at the moment. In addition to my personal time with the Lord, I am usually going through a book of the Bible with other women. Past books we have studied together have been: The Gospel of Mark, Acts, Titus, 1 Peter, and 1 John.


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Rebekah Hargraves
Author of "Lies Moms Believe" and
"Finding Our Fulfillment in Christ"

"I love Kristen's heart for the Lord and admire her faith more now than ever before. Her life has not been one of all roses and sunshine, nor would she try to pretend it has. Instead, she is open and honest about her story and still able to hold onto her faith in the midst of it all. That inspires me so much and is sure to inspire you, as well. If the reality of our fallen and broken world is one you are currently feeling the effects of and your heart is hurting, reading Kristen's words is sure to be a balm to your soul."

Lee Ann Clayton
Potosi Southern Baptist Church
Potosi, Missouri

"After hearing Kristen speak in a girl’s group at one of the youth lock-ins, I felt the Lord prompting me to put a teen girl’s youth conference together, and he laid it on my heart to ask Kristen to be a part of it. After much prayer, and having the theme, I contacted Kristen with the information and gave her open reign to speak on what she felt led to.  I could not have asked for more. I know Kristen was prayerful about the sessions because she hit on everything I knew the group needed to hear, and she did it in such a gentle yet passionate way.  I love that Kristen cares about truth, she cares about honoring God, and you can see in her life and the way she speaks about Christ, that she loves him and has a desire to see others know him in a deeper more meaningful way.  I am excited to see Kristen’s ministry flourish because I know God calls her to it, and through the Holy Spirit, she has the gift to teach in a way that will really challenge the hearts of those that are blessed to hear her."

Andrew Gonzalez
Writer, Funeral Director,
Hot Springs, Arkansas

"Kristen is an anomaly; one who deviates from what is "normal or expected."  She has managed to take life's disappointments and use them as a powerful tool to deliver hope to hurting people.  In a society that puts a premium on the perfection presented on social media platforms, Kristen has a way of tearing away the facade and revealing the raw emotions that come with living in a fallen world.  Her blogs are practical, relatable, and theologically rich.  Her children's books address the feelings of those who are often forgotten about during the troubles of life. I encourage anyone to allow her heart to speak to theirs."

Tammy Coleman
Beaugard Memorial Baptist Church 
Longville, Louisiana

"Our church invited Kristen to come and speak for our first Women's Event. After praying, God revealed Kristen was to be the one to come and speak. As always His timing was right. She shared from His word and from her heart just what He wanted us to hear. If you are searching for someone to deliver a truthful, heartfelt and prayed over message about God's love and truth, I would highly recommend this lady. God has used Kristen her whole life and she loves nothing more than to share His Word and His love. We are thankful for her obedience to serve."

Jason Martin
 McGehee Christian Center
McGehee, Arkansas

"With words that encourage, give guidance and bring conviction, Kristen's writings are a true breath of

fresh air in a world full of frivolous blogs.  She gives practical insight to the hurting and bereaved while always pointing them to the One who will never leave or forsake us, Jesus our Messiah."

Raven Ayala
Gospel Mission Church
Des Arc, Arkansas

"Our church holds a women’s conference each year. After prayer, we asked Kristen to come share. We were simply blown away. There was no doubt that Kristen had spent intimate time with Jesus. I don’t just mean time studying Scripture to create a message, I mean personal time seeking God's will, yearning to truly know his heart. She shared her testimony with boldness, truthfulness, and such a grace that pointed us straight to Jesus. The Holy Spirit brought so many Scriptures to life, knitting them all together to truly help us understand God's word. If you are looking for a woman after Gods heart to share with your church family, I highly recommend Kristen. Her daily life matches the message she preaches."


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