"I don't want you anymore," he said harshly. The words, dripping with darkness, penetrated through her heart as he turned around and walked out the door. Not knowing what to do or how to feel, she stood alone in the living room as the afternoon sun peaked through the windows. Her eyes slowly looked around and settled on the wedding picture on the end table, beautifully framed in exquisite glass. She stared at the happy couple in the photograph. The vows meant nothing. The years of hard work and sacrifice meant nothing. Remembering the words of her husband, she thought, After all I've been to him and done for him, I'm not loved or wanted at all... Hours later, and still alone, she sat in an oversized recliner and laid her Bible in her lap. She didn't know what to read, nor did she even want to try. All she wanted was a pair of strong arms to hold her and take away all the pain. But instead, here she was in an empty house alone. Running her fingers over the leather cover, she opened the book and for several minutes, she aimlessly turned the pages until her eyes stopped and read Isaiah 43:1. Over and over again she read the words.
But now thus says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."

Sometimes, it's just plain hard to believe in anything beautiful and long lasting when your reality is messy, ugly and lonely. Cinderella's prince scoured the kingdom looking for her but your reality is indifference and the cold shoulder. Romeo risked his life for a mere glimpse of Juliet but your reality is abandonment. When you read about poets and princes professing their love, fighting for love and dying for love, your own belief in love can easily disappear because your world looks nothing like the fairytale movies and beautifully written stories. Instead your world is one of apathy, adultery or abuse. If the state of your heart is cynical and doubtful today, let me encourage you to take your eyes off the Valentine's Day decorations and fix them upon Good Friday's demonstration of love because that love is better than anything we can have - or lose - here on earth. How do I know? I will tell you.
Men give us cards with sweet sentiments of love but God wrote His love upon the wisps of the clouds, in all the shades of blue, and in the shadowy colors of the night sky glittered with stars.
Men give us sweet chocolate in heart shaped boxes but God satisfies every craving our soul has when we taste the living water, when we eat the bread of life and when we savor the richness of His Word.
Men celebrate Valentine's Day with romantic date nights and satin nightgowns but the greatest celebration is just over the threshold of Heaven where the Prince of Peace is calling, having eyes for only you.
God's Word tells us that we are loved with an all-excelling love. Scripture promises everlasting security to His people and a place in Heaven just for you. You belong - not here - but in the arms of the One who stretched His arms out at Calvary.
When you come across that photo that leaves you aching or pass by the spot where so many memories were made, remember that you are treasured by the One who will one day wipe all your tears away with His Divine hand. You are wanted by the One who loves with a love that will not die when wrinkle lines appear and your body bears the marks of children. You are delighted in by the One whose love is faithful when you are too busy, too stressed, too defiant, too distracted, and too lazy to love Him as you should. You belong to the One who loves with a love that is unparalleled, unrestrained and unchanging.
Friend, do not fear anything temporal, including a shattered heart. Do not go about your day living as though you are unwanted. He isn't the teenage boy calling you on your phone nor is He the coworker asking for your number. It is the mighty and everlasting God who calls you in every whisper of the wind and in every song creation sings. You don't belong here....you belong to Him.
In the manger on a winter's night...
In the wilderness teaching thousands...
Alone in Gethsemane... In the court where He stood accused...
On Calvary's cross, in the garden tomb, and on the throne in Heaven where He now waits for you, He says, "Be Mine".
Walk in the joy of belonging to One so great.
For more on this topic, study: Song of Solomon 2:16; Song of Solomon 7:10; Jeremiah 31:3; Hosea 2:19-20; Zephaniah 3:17; John 3:16-17; John 14:2-3; Romans 5:8; Romans 8:38-39; Ephesians 1:4; Ephesians 2:4; 1 John 3:1; 1 John 4:10; 1 John 4:19